Saturday, 29 April 2017

2 Year Old Fantail Goldfish

It has been 2 years since I spawned some fantail goldfish. The babies have done surprisingly well and have grown to a nice size, almost the size of their parents. I have 3 calico and 1 white which I will grow to full size. I hope that this year they have another growth spurt and get a lot larger.

Calico 1 - This one is the largest.

Calico 1

Calico 2- This one is the smallest.

Calico 2

Calico 3 

Calico 3

The two mystery goldfish I think are a type of oranda or ranchu. They are developing head growths. Also they have started to turn white. It looks very interesting at the moment as one of them almost looks like a panda goldfish. If I manage to catch them, I will post pictures of their colour transformation.

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