Sunday 1 November 2015

May 2015 Fantail Spawning

Back in May I decided to spawn a female blue calico fantail goldfish with a red male calico fantail goldfish. Below are some of the offspring of these two fantails. These pictures show the babies at around 3 months. All the babies are 1 to 2 inches long and living happily in the big pond with their parents as they soon will be preparing for winter.

I have a couple pinkies. Its quite cool having some white fantails in the pond.

This one is the only one with a little bit of a blue tail.

This little baby does have a nice tail, but I failed to take a decent picture of him.

I am excited to see how these guys turn out by next summer. It has been fun watching them grow in their nursery pond and develop some unique colours. They have grown and changed slightly in colour since I took these pictures. 

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