Thursday 11 February 2016

A Sunny Day In Winter

Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day. In fact, it was so warm that my fantail goldfish decided they wanted to spawn. Unfortunately for them, that sunny warm weather was not to last. Today, winter is back. However, the nice warm weather gave me the opportunity to look at some of the baby fantail goldfish from last May.

Here is this beautiful pinkie. He is awfully cute and he has a beautiful tail. 

Here is a top view video of him swimming around. He is a little cutie! 

This little guy has a lovely tail. It is really long compared to the others. But it sure is beautiful! 

 I like this one a lot. He has such a neat mix of calico colours. He is what I think a true calico should look like. Although of course, he is not a perfect calico, he has a nice mix of orange, black, and white with a hint of blue.

Here he is swimming around from the top view. 

This one is really unique. He has two black spots on his head. But he has a very nice round, egg-like body.

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